The Japanese production company Pink Pineapple has announced that the doujinshi hentai titled “Kono Koi ni Kiduite (Notice This Love)” by Danimaru, both written and illustrated by the artist, will be adapted into an animated version and released in Japan on August 25. This appears to be the author’s first work to receive an animated adaptation, allowing fans to finally see their distinct style on the screen.
The original doujinshi is available in the nhentai catalog (389379), and the synopsis reads as follows:
- Tsujinaka-chan, after witnessing her senpai at work in deep sorrow following a recent breakup, decides to invite him to cheer him up. Unable to ignore her feelings for him any longer, she takes advantage of the fact that she is no longer in a relationship and confesses her love to him. She thinks, “If he doesn’t have a girlfriend now, it means his heart is available to me. Would it be okay if I became his girlfriend?” Determined, she forcefully takes him to a hotel room in an attempt to seduce him!