Category: Iribitari Gal ni Manko Tsukawasete Morau Hanashi Animation
The story is about a nerdy otaku and a cool gyaru named Kuroda. Our otaku mcdeeply engrossed in his manga when Kuroda, with her poker face and cool girlfriend vibe, approaches him. She finds out he has her favorite manga and boldly declares she’s coming over to his place. Despite feeling a bit awkward at first, our mc doesn’t mind at all. He can’t help but admire Kuroda’s curves, and one day, he asks for segs. Kuroda agrees, but their encounters feel one-sided, with Kuroda seeming disengaged. However, things take a surprising turn as Kuroda’s demeanor changes. She goes from being passive to aggressive, like a volcano ready to erupt. Our mc is taken aback by her true colors. Will he be able to handle Kuroda’s passionate and aggressive side, or will he be swept away by her desire?