Category: Shinsei Kourin Dacryon Runa
In the press club room of Etoile Private Academy, three brave girls – Runa, Rena, and Miyu – stumble upon a mysterious app called Angelmaker. The moment of truth arrives when a simple yet chilling question pops up on the screen: “Do you want to explode? Yes/No.” And just like that, the stage is set for a heart-wrenching third act to unfold.
Our mcs, now transformed into the formidable XX Magical Dacryons, gear up to confront a horde of menacing xenomorphs. The battle is fierce, the stakes high, as they dive headfirst into the chaos. But as the monsters close in, their tentacles snaking around our girls with deadly precision, it seems like all hope is lost. Just when despair threatens to take over, a ray of light appears in the form of Erika, a powerful XX Magical being. With her arrival, the tides begin to turn, and our heroines find themselves rescued from the brink of destruction. Yet, amidst the adrenaline-fueled escape, a dark truth is revealed – the Angel Maker, once a symbol of hope, now harbors the malevolent touch of a fallen angel.