The Japanese distributor Getchu has listed the preview frames for the sixth episode for the animated adaptation of the hentai doujinshi written and illustrated by Yuuji Shinozuka , “ Hajimete no Hitozuma ”, which is scheduled for release on February 2, 2024 in Japan . It should be remembered that Mary Jane is in charge of the production of this project.
The original doujinshi (rather, the story that will be adapted in this episode) is available in the nhentai catalog (239393) , while a release date has not yet been scheduled. Finally, the synopsis writes:
- Masanobu’s mother is worried about him, since he has been arriving for several days with injuries to his body. One day, Togawa, a classmate of her son’s, shows up at her door. He reveals to her that Masanobu is being bullied at school, and that he is also a victim of this situation.
- According to Togawa, he is being bullied by his friends because he is the only virgin among them, so Masanobu’s mother offers to be his first experience. Little did the foolish woman know that Togawa was the one who hit her son, and that all this was a ruse to blackmail her and turn her into a sexual slave to the entire group of boys who abuse her son.