The Japanese producer Pink Pineapple listed the video preview for the second episode of the animated adaptation of the hentai doujinshi written and illustrated by Nanao, “Fleur”, scheduled for release on December 20, 2024, in Japan. Pink Pineapple is in charge of the production, and it was previously confirmed that there would be more than one episode.
While the original doujinshi is available on the nhentai catalog (276665), the synopsis for this second episode goes like this:
Story 3: The erotic manga artist Mr. Ohana has decided to turn his work into an adult film. When he goes to the filming location with Mrs. Shinonome, the beautiful editor in charge of the glasses, he encounters his former classmate Minami Yuuka, who has become a porn actress! When he goes to the bathroom, he is aroused by the sensual appearance of Minami, whom he had desired so much…
Story 4: The beautiful and glamorous manga artist Satsuki Nanri, with whom Ohana worked as an assistant, examines Ohana’s body for her manga! When she exposes Ohana’s cock, Satsuki suddenly starts sucking it…? She doesn’t care if Ohana ejaculates or not, she rides Ohana, and her face contorts with pleasure…