Mary Jane is a well-known anime studio that specializes in producing adult animated content known as hentai. The company recently announced that they will be adapting an erotic novel series called “Kozukuri Ninkatsu-bu!” into an animated TV show. The novel is written by Sen Harama and illustrated by ComichiPota.
However, the announcement did not include any specific details about the release date of the show, leaving fans anxiously waiting for more information.
The “Kozukuri Ninkatsu-bu!” novel series revolves around a club called the “Fertility Club” that encourages its female members to get pregnant and participate in various activities related to fertility. The protagonist, a boring male character, is chosen as a partner by two of his classmates, a cold and fashionable girl named Umi Touno with a body measurement of B90W59H95, and a cool and beautiful girl named Aika Asaki, who has a body measurement of B103W60H88 and an older sister to everyone. He wants to impregnate both of them and fills their bellies with his semen.
The three novels were published in 2022 and received generally positive reviews from readers. Fans of the series are excited to see how Mary Jane will adapt the novels to the screen and are eagerly awaiting further updates from the studio.