Etoile Private Academy, where Runa, Rena, and Miyu stumble upon the dopest app in town – Angelmaker. Picture this: the screen lights up with a question that sends shivers down their spines, “Do you wanna explode? Yes/No.” And just like that, the stage is set for a rollercoaster of emotions and danger to hit ’em like a ton of bricks. Our main crew, now rockin’ the XX Magical Dacryons swag, ain’t playin’ around when they face off against a swarm of creepy xenomorphs. It’s like a showdown straight outta a blockbuster movie, with the stakes higher than a giraffe’s neck! As the monsters get all up in their grill, wrapping ’em up in their tentacles like clingy exes, it’s looking grim. But hold up, just when things are about to go south, in swoops Erika like a boss, a powerful XX Magical being ready to throw down and save the day. With Erika in the mix, the tide starts turnin’, and our girls get a second wind, breakin’ free from the clutches of doom. But wait for it, my homies, ’cause here comes the plot twist – the Angelmaker ain’t all rainbows.