Category: Elf ni Inmon o Tsukeru Hon The Animation
In the mystical land of Ninoko, a captivating story unfolds where elves receive enchanting crests that awaken desires as intense as a boiling teapot. Sylpha, the valiant guardian of the forest, who bravely faces off against a shadowy figure that has caused chaos in an elven village, stealing their precious treasure. Despite emerging victorious, Sylpha finds herself marked with a lascivious crest on her body, a symbol that plunges her into a whirlwind of unquenchable desire. Consumed by the insatiable yearning that the crest evokes within her, Sylpha grapples with the overwhelming need for pleasure with each passing day. Determined to free herself from the crest’s seductive hold, she embarks on a solitary mission to reclaim the stolen treasure and rid herself of the alluring mark that consumes her. Will Sylpha be able to break free from the lewd spell?