The Japanese distributor Melonbooks listed the video preview for the second episode for the animated adaptation of the adult video game of Guilty Nightmare Project, “Nightmare x Deathscythe“. This new episode has its scheduled release for the next December 1, 2023 in Japan as part of the catalog of Gold Bear.
This second episode will be titled “Nightmare x Deathscythe – Episode 2: Hangyaku no Resonance“. In fact, the title of this new episode confirms that it is still based on the adult video game Nightmare x Deathscythe: Hangyaku no Resonance, but it should be noted that there are a total of five deliveries of this franchise.
Remember that because the original material is an adult video game (also known as eroges), access to it is quite limited. However, the synopsis writes:
- Rinne, the exorcist Setsuna and Yuuka enter the portal of an endless lewd prison. Rinne, who has inherited the blood of the “ God of Death ”, is pregnant with a demon child and feels that something strange is happening to her. Setsuna and Yuuka are also surrounded by cult followers and prostrate themselves before the legendary torture device “ Dark Meat Rod ”.
- In front of the two transformed figures, Rinne is also immobilized. In this extreme predicament, the emblem of a demon emerges. At that moment, with a flash of light, Rinne’s awakened figure appears. The true power of the blood of death awakens.