
Cross Days episode 1

In Cross Days, the protagonist is Yuuki Ashikaga, a quiet high school student who finds himself entangled in a complicated love triangle with two girls. The two girls, Kotonoha Katsura and Roka Kitsuregawa, are both unaware of each other’s affections towards Yuuki, causing tension and conflict in the story.

Other characters in the game include Chie Ashikaga, Yuuki’s older sister who has a somewhat abusive relationship with him, and Kyouichi Kasannoin, the boyfriend of Nanami Kanroji, who has previously only made cameo appearances in the School Days anime. Additionally, Ai Yamagata, a character from Summer Days, makes a return appearance.

Two new characters, Ion Ishibashi and Kira Youka, also join the cast as friends of the main characters. Overall, Cross Days features a complex set of characters whose relationships and interactions drive the game’s storyline.