Category: Kyokugen Chikan Tokuiten 3 The Animation
Six months have passed since “Bachikan” lost its power after tough fights. Now, the foreign company “Monderun” has arrived in Japan, causing chaos in the peaceful city of Yamajo. Japanese women are suffering at the hands of these foreign invaders, and the crowded trains are in danger. Kiichi and his elite Bachikan members are ready to fight back.
On a crowded train, Kiichi uses his powerful Seventy-Two Finger Technique against Monderun’s attackers and the elite “Goldfinger” group. What is Monderun’s CEO, Ashley, really after? And what secrets does the ancient artifact “Hand of Segs” hold?
In the dark, desires run high as the “Ark” sails once more. Kiichi’s skilled martial arts are back in action, ready to defend against the foreign threat.