Category: Maso Mesu Soap de Aimashou
In the mysterious office of Teitin Corporation, a captivating story unfolds. It revolves around a senpai and his two trainees, Mitsurugi and Nagihara. Mitsurugi is a hardworking intern-secretary, while Nagihara is a shy and pure-hearted woman who is popular with men. Together, they navigate their office life and become perfect office ladies. However, Mitsurugi faces constant harassment from her superior, who even dictates her tight uniform. But there’s a twist – Mitsurugi has a slutty side, but only with her senpai. She notices his gaze on her hot spots and decides to tease him. One day, the protagonist visits a popular brothel called Maso Slut Soap. He chooses a girl named Ayana, but to his surprise, Mitsurugi appears instead. They engage in a steamy encounter. The next day, Nagihara, a kind-hearted with huge oppai, catches the protagonist in a boner state. It turns out she is a secret “M” and invites him to join her at Maso Slut Soap.