The Japanese distributor Getchu has listed a preview of the first episode of the animated adaptation of the hentai doujinshi written and illustrated by Sou Fumitsuki, “1LDK + JK Ikinari Doukyo? Micchaku!? Hatsu Ecchi !!?” (Surprise Roommate? Living Together!! First Time?!!), whose release is scheduled for July 7 in Japan.
The production is handled by the brand King Bee, with Mary Jane in charge of the animation. In addition, since the episode is numbered, it confirms that there is more than one episode planned for this adaptation. The extensive original doujinshi has been compiled into a total of twenty-seven chapters for an accumulated almost 800 pages and is available in the nhentai catalog (359997).
Finally, the synopsis of this first episode writes:
- Akane Misaki has started living alone. She feels uncomfortable with the amount of luggage in her room, but she thinks it’s because the room is small and starts changing her clothes. After a while, the door opens and an unknown man appears. The man’s name is Ken Hasama and, according to the landlord, they have ended up sharing a room due to a contractual error.
- The room will be available in a week, and until then, Akane and Hasama will stay together in the same room. It is an unfavorable situation for Akane, but the first afternoon passes without major problems. By chance, they sleep together on the same futon, but Akane had difficulty sleeping due to the unusual situation.
- But that lustrous voice coming from the next room, even the inexperienced Akane could tell it was the voice of a couple having sex. While listening to the voices, Akane’s hand goes between her legs even though Hasama is sleeping next to her.