Anime Festa production company announced that the adult manga written and illustrated by Peter Mitsuru, titled “Fuufuu Koukan: Otto Yori Sugoi Kongai Sex (Marriage Exchange: Amazing Extramarital Sex Compared to My Husband),” will be adapted into an anime series titled “Fuufuu Koukan.” The premiere is scheduled for mid-June this year, and it will be a classic “Seasonal Hentai” that unfolds over eight episodes.
The production is being handled by Studio Hokiboshi, and the series will be streamed on the Anime Festa platform in Japan in its explicit format (although obviously with genital censorship). There will also be a television version that will premiere in July, but it probably won’t interest anyone because they cut out everything related to sex.
Since it is a serialized manga and not a doujinshi, and because it is being officially published in English, it is difficult to find it on any websites. However, some chapters are available on nhentai (412441), and it will likely not be difficult to find the rest with a Google search.
Finally, let’s review the synopsis:
- The manga focuses on two married couples who have been friends since their school days. The two couples go on a double date to a hot spring, and by accident, they become involved in a “marriage exchange.” The first volume of the manga is described as follows: “I hear the moans of my beloved wife through the sliding door as she has sex with her lover. Meanwhile, I am also having sex with my friend’s wife, releasing my semen…”.