Kazuya steps into this fancy hotel, thinkin’ he’s gonna see his girl Honami, the idol queen, but oh snap, it’s like a plot twist from a blockbuster movie. Honami, straight outta Pleasure Island, is now in the mix with her squad, Seika and Kisara, having an orgy with their sugar daddies in a full-on freak fest. It was like a whole new level of turn-up, and Kazuya couldn’t believe his eyes. The vibes in the room were hotter than a spicy ramen, with moans bouncin’ off the walls. Honami’s eyes were smoldering with a different kind of fire now, like she was possessed by the spirit of pure hedonism. “Yo, Kazuya, my man,” Honami’s voice was like honey laced with a hint of spice, drawin’ him in. She was movin’ and groovin’ like a pro, mixin’ pleasure with a side of submission that had Kazuya feelin’ some type of way. Seeing his girl lost in the sauce of pleasure lit a fire under Kazuya’s behind. Jealousy, desire, and a strange kinda thrill bombarded him.