The eroge Ren Sei-jutsu-shi Colette no H na Shibo sei Monogatari will have a hentai


The Japanese distributor Getchu listed that the video game for adults developed by Acerola , Ren Sei-jutsu-shi Colette no H na Shibo sei Monogatari will have an animated adaptation that will be released on September 30 in Japan. The first episode will be titled “ Ren Sei-jutsu-shi Colette no H na Shibo sei Monogatari – Episode 1: Colette’s Atelier Opened! Encounter with Sylvia, a Hero with Huge Breasts ” and is produced by Majin Petit .

We’ve discussed this previously, but there’s no reason to number episodes if you don’t intend to produce more than one , so viewers can expect the date of the second to be announced or already announced after release. Being a video game, it is difficult to access the original content, but the synopsis writes:

  • Colette is a young woman who lives peacefully with her mistress deep in the mountains of a certain country. Her teacher Priscilla teaches her alchemy, but something different. Alchemy is a revolutionary technique that uses the semen of living beings to synthesize objects. But Colette still has zero experience in sex.
  • Colette was able to become a full-fledged alchemist under the slightly forceful guidance of Priscilla. Thus, Priscilla gave Colette a gift when she became a full-fledged woman. “My own studio!” Now that she has her own studio of her own, Colette tries her best. But on a mission, a powerful demon prevented him from achieving it. In front of the troubled Colette, a beautiful brave young woman with big boobs appeared. She alchemizes using semen as raw material. How much paradise to feel good and earn money!


Source: Getchu

© 錬精術 士 の の H な 搾 (原作 : あせろ ら) 企画 : まんぴーす / プロデューサー : 幸利 / 絵 コンテ : 紫乃宮 艶子 / 脚本 : 特区 03 / キャラクター デザイン : : qeggy / 作画 監督/製作:魔人