My Mother The Animation MILF returns, but now in Japanese

Japanese publisher Getchu has listed the production of a second episode for the animated adaptation of Kurasuke So-ko’s adult video game, “Night Tail.” The release is scheduled for November 24, 2023 in Japan, while production is handled by Majin Petit.

This second episode will be titled “Night Tail: Episode 2 – This Person Is The One In My Dreams!“, while the original video game was released in April 2019 in Japan. Finally, the synopsis of this first episode writes:

  • During the night, this girl becomes Night Tail and defends people from nightmarish demons. Although it was an embarrassing job at first, he was able to defeat his enemies and get out without problems. Tired of her night job, Yoru starts masturbating to release her tension. He’s at that age where he can’t help but be curious about sex, so his fingertips get more and more naughty. He knows that after this, he will have perverted dreams.
  • Nocturnal curiosity allows her in the end, recreating herself played with her anus. A session of intense sex unfolds in your dreams, and an unparalleled sense of immorality arises from within your sex. And so he explores his body deeper and deeper. Hmm, by the way, don’t you remember this man somewhere?