Yahiro-kun … this is … a naughty DVD?
Latifah, who was investigating otaku culture in Yahiro’s room, was screaming, but …
she was intrigued by the package she found and became eroge with Yahiro
. Yahiro, who is exposed to the shameful play of playing until the end …
and Yahiro-kun … I want to do something like this …?
Her cheeks are dyed as she glances at her, and her confession is usually timid and poor at speaking.
Wow, I also want to … so why don’t we both do it to the end …?
Her first experience with her withdrawal and communicative girlfriend …
Yahiro was leading her crazy girlfriend …
Huff, still fine. Hey, will you do it again?
Under Yahiro’s arm, which seems to have passed her first time in a blink of an eye …